For many years now, Åland Post has actively worked to reduce our environmental impact. A major challenge involves reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from transports and our large post terminal. Our objective is to be fossil-free by 2035.
We continuously upgrade our vehicles, replacing them with low-emission alternatives, and have successfully reduced energy consumption per square metre year on year at the post terminal.
In addition to a general environmental policy, we work specifically with a number of overall environmental goals within our operations. These can, in turn, be broken down into detailed environmental goals for each individual business area or unit.
Overall goal – Åland Post will be fossil-free by 2035
Sub-goals 2022-2024 to reduce our climate impact
- To reduce the number of kilometres driven and thus fuel consumption.
- To begin purchasing electric vehicles and/or hydrogen vehicles.
- To keep fuel consumption low by means of ecodriving.
- To monitor developments on the market (including in terms of electric and hydrogen vehicles).
- To visit manufacturers and participate in trade fairs.
Distribution, Logistics and Axla
- To increase the fill rate per vehicle.
- To optimise the amount of goods per pallet space.
Sub-goals 2025-2028 to reduce our climate impact
- To continue to purchase electric vehicles.
- To begin purchasing trucks that do not run on fossil fuels (electric or hydrogen instead).